Numismatic Catalog of Venezuela
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New added pieces into the catalog
Register of known case
  • Piece bbcv2000bs-ab02,e: Registered the series "E18470632" and "E18972296" as a known cases. Credits to: Juan Correia and Juan Correia
Change of known banknote serie interval
Change of banknote estimated serie interval
Update of known banknote serial prefix
Changes of amount of pieces
  • Piece bbcv1000000bss-aa01-c8 (Septiembre 03 2020). Changed estimated amount of pieces from "75,150,000" to "81,000,000" (↑ 5,850,000)
  • Piece bbcv1000000bss-aa01-e8 (Septiembre 03 2020). Changed estimated amount of pieces from "9,450,000" to "17,550,000" (↑ 8,100,000)
  • Piece bbcv200000bss-aa01-a8 (Septiembre 03 2020). Changed estimated amount of pieces from "47,700,000" to "55,350,000" (↑ 7,650,000)
  • Piece bbcv2bsf-aa02-h8 (Mayo 24 2007). Changed estimated amount of pieces from "72,000,000" to "72,450,000" (↑ 450,000)