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For reference, the URL address of this page is:[UNDEFINED-CODE-class=-b-name=-date-value=-bbcv500bss-aa02-e8-2-option=-]-serie-E8.htm
New banknote serie interval of 500 Bolívares Soberanos, design A, type A, [UNDEFINED CODE: class=(b), name=(date), value=(bbcv500bss-aa02-e8-2), option=()], serie E8
October 6th, 2019

There is a new banknote issue with another serial interval of 500 Bolívares Soberanos with date "[UNDEFINED CODE: class=(b), name=(date), value=(bbcv500bss-aa02-e8-2), option=()]" and serie E8, second interval. This piece is identified as bbcv500bss-aa02-e8-2 and classified in Design A, Type A.

The first interval (bbcv500bss-aa02-e8) includes the known interval "E00793913 - E03871553", where it has a shiny security thread like the series A, B, C and D of the same date. This new interval is known between "E04860253 - E99644938" and has an opaque security thread like the F series of the same date. Also, there are light differences between both security threads that goes unnotices. Likewise, both repositions of this date also have a variation of the security thread.